Different Forms of Coaching Sessions
Nothing I do is off the shelf; I don’t offer a set package of strategies… why? Because everybody is different.
Contact me and so between us, we can figure out what fits well with you, with a considered careful conversation.
Because all situations benefit from planning and consultation, getting the most from things for you.
Traditional Coaching Sessions
Whether initiated by themselves or a third party, many people gain insights about their deeper capabilities, dreams and beliefs in a coaching setting.
Then if you wanted to make changes to these, we can work through things together to make steps forward that are best for you.
Coaching session are around 60 to 90 minutes and take place in a quiet private setting to allow the full exploration of ideas and concepts. This window of time allows for flexibility for you because it’s time devoted entirely to you.
They can be enjoyed face to face or via Skype.
Coaching is often around 6 sessions, or it can be shorter or ongoing, over a period of time which the coachee wishes.
This is your time for us to tease out what you really want and what you’ll need to change in order to achieve that.
It also can help identify things that have up until their realisation been actually holding you back without you even knowing about it.
It begins importantly with an introductory meeting about expectations from the coaching, goals and boundaries, so paving the way to a more productive and revealing set of coaching sessions.
The fees cover far more than the coaching time spent together and of course, the results of the sessions continue long afterwards too.
Coaching Journeys
Different places and travel broadens the mind and gives rise to new ideas and new ways of looking at things.
The coaching journey is often profound as you gain insight into yourself and where you dream of going in life.
“The first great thing is to find yourself and for that, you need solitude and contemplation – at least sometimes. I can tell you deliverance will not come from the rushing noisy centres of civilisation. It will come from the lonely places.”
Fridtjof Nansen
So why not begin to challenge yourself with some action? To shake your perceptions and let your experiences in them re “mind” you of what your capable of.
I have seen and experienced how powerful coaching journeys and outer experiences can deeply underpin inner learning points for each person.
“Live with a man 40 years. Share his house, his meals. Speak on every subject. Then tie him up, and hold him over the volcano’s edge. And on that day, you will finally meet the man.” Shan Yu
Take people out of their normal routine with questions and challenge them, and it reveals to them skills they didn’t even think they had, skills they can develop.
As a veteran of many journeys, believe me, nothing gives more pause for thought than moving through nature and learning directly from its lessons. When you’re away from your current life, outside of it looking in from another experience allows you to see things in a different way, offering a different perspective with new experiences and knowledge.
“If you always do what you’ve done you’ll always get what you’ve got”
So different experiences help create different realities.
Enhancing experiences in a life-affirming environment